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Click Here to see Dan Jacobs interview for Government Contracting Weekly on Subcontracting

Click Here to view Dan Jacobs as the Keynote Speaker at the Future of Humanitarian Diplomacy sponsored by Diplomatic Courier. "The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions." Speech starts at 14.50 of video.

Dan Jacobs' New
Book Published, "The Art of the Possible — Create an Organization with No

Click Here to Purchase e-book format.


"Contract Management in the War Zone: Mission-Focused and Succeeding"

A Veteran-Owned Business celebrating over 30 years of excellence, with an unparalleled record of performance for the customer, The Federal Market Group are specialists in public contracting – recognized experts in the application of Project Management and Contract Management disciplines within the context of publicly funded contracts – government and industry, domestic and international.

The Federal Market Group provides one organization that understands the languages of technology and business. We successfully serve both Government and Industry clients:

INDUSTRY CLIENTS - so they win and keep more contracts, manage them more effectively and deliver value to their shareholders and taxpayers.

- so they optimize their contracting requirements, management processes and oversight practices to ensure the highest level of productivity and public funds stewardship.

FMG looks forward to helping you build a dynamic team that reduces cycle time, slashes budgets, beats performance metrics, and wins every time. The proof is in the performance. Past, present and future—with FMG, you win!

"Bringing together the languages of technology and business through the rigors and discipline of Project Management and Contract Administration equals enhanced productivity, higher profitability, customer delight."

Daniel M. Jacobs, Chairman, The Federal Market Group


"Please accept my appreciation for the terrific job you did as the subject matter expert during the development of the government wide training program on Source Selection."

- Director,
Federal Acquisition Institute

"Your comprehensive, team-oriented, approach to the proposal process raised our professional capabilities to a new standard of performance."

- Executive Vice President,
FCA International

"Your Contracts Administration training programs have proven to be the most popular and most effective training our managers receive – by their accounts. That particular program has helped our managers take a more pro-active approach to manage government contracts and has demonstrated enhanced productivity, profitability and standardization."

- Chief Operating Officer,

"My sincere appreciation for the outstanding work you and your staff have performed in assisting the American Red Cross to develop a highly professional contracting capability."

- Senior Vice President,
National Operations,
American Red Cross

"The line of demarcation between acceptable performance and that which delights the customer is a superior product or quality service that consistently and significantly exceeds that which is expected. You far exceeded the level of expected performance."

- Inspector General,
National Capital Region,

"This is to express my appreciation to you and your staff for the outstanding program you are presenting to out scientists, technicians and operations personnel on the duties of the COTR. "We have received many favorable comments about the program content and the interactive style of presentation. Your stated goal of wanting to present a positive message about the system and the process seems to be working. Our COTRs are lining up to attend your classes."

- Chief, Acquisition Division,
NASA Langley Research Center

“For your info: We've matured the IPT concept in NIF now at the 90% level, and it's working great. We're definitely on the right path. Thanks for your help in getting there."

- Associate Project Manager, NIF,
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)

“. . .I have personally had the privilege of seeing Mr. Jacobs work and most benefited from the training provided to some of the world’s leading scientists & engineers who are members of my organization. . .”

- Project Director, APS,
Argonne National Laboratory

“. . . I told them that The Federal Market Group provided the best training that was available. I recall your participation in the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) project and the Advanced Photon Source (APS) project - two of DOE’s most successful programs. . .”

- Procurement Director,
Spallation Neutron Source
Oak Ridge National Laboratory