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The Federal Market Group
The Federal Market Group


THE FEDERAL MARKET GROUP Total Learning Concept™

The Federal Market Group Maintains an extensive library of current training courses developed and proven over a number of years. All subject - matter is modularized and quickly tailored to the individual client requirements.

PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENT is one of the most important motivators for adult learning. The Federal Market Group Total Learning Concept is designed to facilitate personal efforts by offering programs that:

    A. Consistently Follow the Principles of Adult Learning
    B. Use Audio - Visual Aids Extensively to Reinforce Learning
    C. Provide Competent, Highly Motivated Instructors
A. Consistently Follow the Principles of Adult Learning - Research indicates that learning will be facilitated if:

    1. Learners are actively involved in the learning process. Participants involvement contributes interest, achievement and application. Generally speaking, adults have a low threshold for straight lecture. The greater degree of participation through discussion groups or other group techniques and the more responsibility they are given in the learning situation, the more effectively they will learn.

Federal Market Group programs are highly interactive
- We make what is often considered a boring subject interesting!

    2. Learning practice using new knowledge or skills. Adults are most likely to learn material they perceive as current issues and are receptive to learning things which they feel will directly advance career and personal goals.

Federal Market Group programs are current and relevant
- We speak our client’s language and focus on practical solutions.

    3. Learning takes place in an appropriate climate. Adults respond well to a supportive atmosphere.

Federal Market Group Instructors are trained to create a Total Learning Environment
- The classroom is fully functional and class is ready to begin upon arrival of students (music is even played in the morning prior to class and during breaks) - Instructors create a non- threatening atmosphere by providing assurance to the participants that their contributions will be welcome.

    4. Learning is based on experience. The participants should be able to integrate new information with what they know, using their past experience to make the learning more meaningful.

Federal Market Group recognizes that not everyone starts at the same level
- we emphasize fundamentals - each class reviews fundamentals to establish a baseline for all to learn - Each course is modularized and based on “building blocks” to facilitate learning.

    5. Learning is problem-centered. It is advantageous to include challenging problems that are real to learners. Adults show more interest when they are involved in activities that are relevant to their needs.

Federal Market Group programs are based on extensive research into our client’s line of business and culture
- Relevant issues are addressed through the use of real-world case studies and use of client-specific issues and problems.

B. Use Audio-visual Aids Extensively to Reinforce Learning - Audio-visual aids supplement learning by appealing to a variety of senses. Their purpose is to supplement and reinforce verbal information. Audiovisuals can make the program more effective by focusing attention, clarifying content, aiding perception, extending memory, stimulating interest and keeping you on the subject. Research shows that we learn:
    • 1% by taste
    • 1.5% by touch
    • 3.5% by smell
    • 7% by hearing
    • 87% by sight

Audio-visual aids increase the retention of information. People generally remember:
    • 20% what they hear
    • 30% what they see
    • 50% what they see and hear

Federal Market Group Programs rely extensively on audio-visual aids to reinforce learning
- Each participant receives a “Resource Book” that contains a copy of all visuals used (with room for notes) - Training Aids include sample government documents, viewgraphs, video presentations (ranging from standard video to multimedia presentations and interactive technology).

C. Provide Competent, Highly Motivated Instructors - It’s a given that the “message” is important, but the “messenger” is equally important.

Federal Market Group Instructors are selected on the basis of their subject-matter expertise first and secondly on knowledge of the client’s customer contracting policies and procedures.
Each has already demonstrated their commitment to the Federal Market Group “Total Learning Concept™™” - They are competent, extremely knowledgeable, and current. They are professionals who really care about the people we train!


Interactive training platforms allow for a uniform dissemination of information to your entire employee basis. Through Interactive learning systems, one of your best trainers is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Instead of having to wait for a training class to form, or to find an opening, interactive systems allow you to provide the necessary information when you need it -- just in time. The integration of full motion video, computer graphics and audio provide the next best thing to a live, personal instructor.

It is a perfect vehicle for areas where “hands-on” training is too costly, too dangerous, or just impractical. Work related simulations can be created so that the student can experience the next best thing to a live situation. Through proper instructional design, creative techniques can be implemented to make the learning experience different and fun for the user. This creates an environment where the student becomes deeply involved with the subject matter.

Industry studies indicate that through the use of interactive multimedia, a student's retention of material being trained is increased by 40%. Interactive training platforms can reduce the time required for classroom training by 50% or more. Also, a properly designed interactive training course will automatically keep track of student progress, thus minimizing administrative burdens.

Federal Market Group has a full Interactive Multimedia Training capabilities.


Fundamental to training is the concept of measuring the effectiveness of the training. The Federal Market Group Total Learning Concept recognizes that learning objectives vary as do student levels of comprehension, retention and ability to apply knowledge and skills.

FMG’s Total Learning Concept™™ incorporates a number of techniques and methods for determining if the learning objectives have been met, if students understand the skills and knowledge taught, and if the students can successfully apply skills and knowledge on the job.

1. Pretesting and post testing students. 4. Course evaluations.
2. Classroom exercises. 5. Post course interviews.
3. Practical case studies. 6. Post course surveys.

The Federal Market Group Total Learning Concept™ methods and techniques for measuring training effectiveness were examined and approved by The American Council on Education/Program on Noncollegiate Sponsored Instruction (ACE); the Project Management Institute (PMI) certified FMG as a Registered Education Provider and The National Contract Management Association (NCMA).

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